With Wallet Tracker you will be able to add, track and manage your Cryptocurrency Wallets with real-time information.
Currently supported tokens: BTC, BCH, ETH, ZEC, LTC, DOGE, LBRY, UBQ, DBIX, STRAT, DCR, DASH, XZC, and more!
- Ability to add as many wallets as you want.
- All wallets added will show the current balance available at the wallet and its conversion to EUR/USD (in real-time, with data from Coinmarketcap).
- Total balance in EUR/USD and the balance change in the last 24 hours.
- All wallets will be identified by an alias which you can edit whenever you like.
- Real-time coin stats and exchange charts.
The app never asks for any username, password, keystore, JSON file, mnemeonic phrase or anything related to your accounts, it just stores the public address you provide for every wallet in a database inside your phone, not accessible to anyone else other than you.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>